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Showing posts with the label Abs

Fab Abs -III

Here we see another set of 2 Exercises which can be done as an Ab Workout. These work both the Rectus Abdominis as well as the Obliques . Recall the post Fab Abs - I which species the Muscles which for the Abdomen Note:: Keep alternating Ab-workouts to avoid the muscles from getting used to the exercise routines. The Bicycle: Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Place your hands behind your head. Do not pull on the neck. Bring your knees up to around a 45-degree angle and slowly go through with a pedal-the-bicycle motion. Turn the upper body towards the right, and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Now bring the body into a central position and without pausing move the upper body towards the left, to touch the right elbow to your left knee. Maintain a breathing pattern of exhaling while touching the elbows to the knees and inhaling while returning to the central position. Start off with 3 sets of 12 each Video Demonstration:

Fab Abs - I

Everyone wants Fab-Abs...But what is the secret to Washboard Abs...Starting today, and for the next 4 weeks meFitness shall concentrate on Exercises, Diets and Other Techniques to help you get that Tummy in shape...and to keep it that way from then on...We Start with the Anatomy of the Abdomen ... The Abdomen consists of the following 3 muscles: The Rectus Abdominis: This is the famous 6-pack: Basically a superficial muscle, it is one long sheath which runs from the sternum to the pubic bone The External and Internal Oblique Muscles: The External Obliques are the superficial muscle that are found just laterally to the Rectus Abdominus, while the Internal Obliques lie underneath the External Obliques. They act as a synergist to the external oblique during same side flexion, and during rotation to the opposite direction. These 2 sets of muscles contour and shape the waistline. Their primary function is to rotate the spine. The Transverse Muscle: This is the Deep Internal Muscle that runs...