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Showing posts with the label managing thoughts

Recipe for a wonderful week

What does a perfect week require: Just some self awareness, some self care, a lotta smiles and satisfaction... Here is something which I built out from my astrological recommendations to start creating perfect weeks for myself :) 1. Physical movement releases tension. So don't sit for too long. Dance, run, do yoga, play an active sport, cycle or just walk a lot. 2. Get creative, use your imagination. Don't ignore sudden inspired ideas. 3. Spend time in your own company. Learn something new. Take time to Reflect. Dont ignore your intuitive urges. 4. Reach out and build deeper connections with loved ones. Be vulnerable. 5. Embrace what motivates you and what makes you optimistic. Put on your favorite music and get work done. Don't neglect your to-do list. 6. Seek new spiritual experiences. Don't overlook or supress emotions. 7. Organize and prep for the next week. Dont forget to create and practice a self care routine. Finally don't rush through everything everyday, i...

Conquer your mind, create the world of your dreams

The mind left on its own is undisciplined and forever roaming. See, the mind tends to create unnecessary disturbances and stress, which delays manifestations and generates fear and doubt.  There is this quote which will be found in every motivational forum, and memes of it pop up on Instagram and Facebook from time to time      "Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don't help you. Think positively. "   What is it saying! Do not get trapped in thinking too much about the situation that has happened or about to happen. This thinking too much will fill up our minds. And the mind filled with worrisome thoughts will cause us anxiety. And this anxiety will lead to depression and lead us to long-term unhappiness.  What does one do then, especially when one finds themselves in a difficult or unpleasant situation from time to time?  Understand that your mind is your own, and be gentle with ...