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Showing posts with the label Routines

Recipe for a wonderful week

What does a perfect week require: Just some self awareness, some self care, a lotta smiles and satisfaction... Here is something which I built out from my astrological recommendations to start creating perfect weeks for myself :) 1. Physical movement releases tension. So don't sit for too long. Dance, run, do yoga, play an active sport, cycle or just walk a lot. 2. Get creative, use your imagination. Don't ignore sudden inspired ideas. 3. Spend time in your own company. Learn something new. Take time to Reflect. Dont ignore your intuitive urges. 4. Reach out and build deeper connections with loved ones. Be vulnerable. 5. Embrace what motivates you and what makes you optimistic. Put on your favorite music and get work done. Don't neglect your to-do list. 6. Seek new spiritual experiences. Don't overlook or supress emotions. 7. Organize and prep for the next week. Dont forget to create and practice a self care routine. Finally don't rush through everything everyday, i...

Fab-Abs II

3 Amazing Crunches: These can be carried out one after the other as a 3 week routine. The Inclined Forward Crunch: Lie down on an inclined bench with your head at the lower end of the bench. Bend the knees. Place your hands gently behind the head. Now raise your body towards the center of the knees, and slowly come back half ways towards the resting position. Now raise your body again towards the knees but bent towards the right knee, and again slowly come back half ways towards the resting position. Finally raise your body towards the right knee, and slowly come back into the resting position. Repeat this for 3 sets of 12 each The Flat BentOver Crunch. Lie down on a Flat Bench with your waist at the edge of the Bench. Bend the Upper body down at the waist and touch the floor with your hands. Now bring the body up at a 30 degree angle to the floor and go down again. Bring the body up at 60 degrees to the floor and go down again. Finally bring the body up so that it is parallel to the f...