I don't believe we can.
I believe that the most powerful place you can be as a person is in one where you have your own needs met, so you can help others.
That's why, I believe it's important to be able to have money in the bank.
I believe that's why it's important to not be hustling 24/7.
I believe that's why it's really important to get yourself "sorted"... and set the things in your life "right".
Until then, you will have to deal with the stress of what can hit you in the day-to-day ...
And when that day comes when you don't have the stress of the day-to-day and you can take care of you and your family...
That's the day when you wake up and ask...
"What do I really want to do, today?"
That's a powerful day and one that I'm so excited for you to be able to experience, if you haven't yet.
Harmony in your life, automatically allows for you to support others for harmony in theirs.
But... This happens in steps...
So the question is... Right now, how can you feel up yourself, even more...
10 minutes of meditation?
A walk through the forest/in a garden
Some alone time?
A little travel?
Taking care of yourself, isn't something that you can do only, once you've "made it".
Its to be bult as a habit, and the habit starts right now.
Can you truly help others until you help yourself?