The mind left on its own is undisciplined and forever roaming. See, the mind tends to create unnecessary disturbances and stress, which delays manifestations and generates fear and doubt.
There is this quote which will be found in every motivational forum, and memes of it pop up on Instagram and Facebook from time to time
"Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don't help you. Think positively. "
What is it saying! Do not get trapped in thinking too much about the situation that has happened or about to happen. This thinking too much will fill up our minds. And the mind filled with worrisome thoughts will cause us anxiety. And this anxiety will lead to depression and lead us to long-term unhappiness.
What does one do then, especially when one finds themselves in a difficult or unpleasant situation from time to time?
Understand that your mind is your own, and be gentle with how much load it is allowed to carry. If it is filling up with negative thoughts, don't stop that process or let it continue unhinged. Instead, become aware of it and understand if anything that needs to be done about the situation which is causing the negativity.
If the thoughts are about an unknown, don't try to push on in anymore. Treat that thought as a trap.
If the thoughts are about the past, thank the thought for having taught you something and tell yourself I got this, and let the thought go. As many times as it comes, tell yourself you got this. Do not get into the loop of the memories of your past controlling your mindset in the present. This is self-induced toxicity.
If the thoughts are about the future, thank your thought for making you aware, and tell yourself let's not waste today with the worry of tomorrow. This doesn't mean don't work hard today for a better tomorrow, or don't save today for a better-retired life. It simply means don't fill the mind with worries of tomorrow to give yourself the best chance of living a better today.
In effect, take a moment to appreciate that life is bringing you exactly what you need. Then seize it with a heart of gratitude and awareness.
Keep working on disciplining the mind. When the mind becomes disciplined, it is aware, committed, elevated, and empowered to make better choices.
The ultimate purpose of the mind is to elevate to the highest lens, focusing undivided attention on the heart. This strengthened connection eliminates mental confusion.
Commit yourself to master the mind and witness a big bang of creative potential.
Let go of ego-based attachments, beliefs, and plant the mind in the heart and unlock the door to conscious creation.
Check any unconscious behaviors, bad habits, and other bad vices. Every moment you have a choice. You can do what your roaming mind desires, or trigger tangible results in your current physical reality.
When your thoughts are in alignment with love, open, and surrendering to life’s current movements, you create the world of your dreams.
Summon good outcomes by cultivating positive thoughts.