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Have the confidence to do what you want

Don't be afraid to boldly go where you've never gone before You might not know how everything works at first, but that doesn't have to put you at a disadvantage. After the first five minutes, your nerves will stop jangling, and you'll even start to feel a sense of accomplishment. Take a deep breath, and then step out of your comfort zone—and relish that 'Wow! I can really do this!' sensation

Mind Body Exercises

"All work and no play makes Jack a Dull Boy " . Now just working out and doing the same routines every month probably gets you so bored that you'd rather sit at home, kick back and watch a movie and pile on some calories. :) Rings a Bell!!! Simple Remedy!!! Add an exercise which works both your body as well as your mind. A Mind Body Exercise . These exercises use your mind to influence some of your body’s physiological processes such as heart rate, blood pressure, etc and decrease physical and mental stress. These exercises have the added benefit of being great Stress Busters. They also help cure insomnia and increase a sense of Well Being and Calmness. They also work wonders for those diagnosed with any illness or those who need to prepare for a Medical Procedure such as Surgery. Some of the popular Mind Body Techniques you can consider signing up for Yoga Dancing Tai Chi Pilates Pranayama Qi Gong Gyrokinesis I found GAIAM Life having some interesting articles on the to...

Fab Abs -III

Here we see another set of 2 Exercises which can be done as an Ab Workout. These work both the Rectus Abdominis as well as the Obliques . Recall the post Fab Abs - I which species the Muscles which for the Abdomen Note:: Keep alternating Ab-workouts to avoid the muscles from getting used to the exercise routines. The Bicycle: Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Place your hands behind your head. Do not pull on the neck. Bring your knees up to around a 45-degree angle and slowly go through with a pedal-the-bicycle motion. Turn the upper body towards the right, and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Now bring the body into a central position and without pausing move the upper body towards the left, to touch the right elbow to your left knee. Maintain a breathing pattern of exhaling while touching the elbows to the knees and inhaling while returning to the central position. Start off with 3 sets of 12 each Video Demonstration:

Fab-Abs II

3 Amazing Crunches: These can be carried out one after the other as a 3 week routine. The Inclined Forward Crunch: Lie down on an inclined bench with your head at the lower end of the bench. Bend the knees. Place your hands gently behind the head. Now raise your body towards the center of the knees, and slowly come back half ways towards the resting position. Now raise your body again towards the knees but bent towards the right knee, and again slowly come back half ways towards the resting position. Finally raise your body towards the right knee, and slowly come back into the resting position. Repeat this for 3 sets of 12 each The Flat BentOver Crunch. Lie down on a Flat Bench with your waist at the edge of the Bench. Bend the Upper body down at the waist and touch the floor with your hands. Now bring the body up at a 30 degree angle to the floor and go down again. Bring the body up at 60 degrees to the floor and go down again. Finally bring the body up so that it is parallel to the f...

Fab Abs - I

Everyone wants Fab-Abs...But what is the secret to Washboard Abs...Starting today, and for the next 4 weeks meFitness shall concentrate on Exercises, Diets and Other Techniques to help you get that Tummy in shape...and to keep it that way from then on...We Start with the Anatomy of the Abdomen ... The Abdomen consists of the following 3 muscles: The Rectus Abdominis: This is the famous 6-pack: Basically a superficial muscle, it is one long sheath which runs from the sternum to the pubic bone The External and Internal Oblique Muscles: The External Obliques are the superficial muscle that are found just laterally to the Rectus Abdominus, while the Internal Obliques lie underneath the External Obliques. They act as a synergist to the external oblique during same side flexion, and during rotation to the opposite direction. These 2 sets of muscles contour and shape the waistline. Their primary function is to rotate the spine. The Transverse Muscle: This is the Deep Internal Muscle that runs...

Good Morning Sunday!!!

Aha!! Here comes Sunday...Probably the most anticipated day all over the world...For school kids the day to get out and indulge in some sport (wonder how many still play on the streets after Computer Games took over), For the beautiful women to get out and let loose on swanky streets for some great bargains, for the men to sleep on and on. Its a day which everyone waits for, the ones who have a 5 day week for getting their rest , and those with 6 day weeks to get rid of their hangover... Well its also a great day to end a weekly fitness regime. Brad Pitt apparently while preparing for his role as Tyler Durden used to run 12 Miles every Sunday to top off his week long exercise routine. You and me can do probably 2 Miles. Here are some ideas on how to end your weekly fitness schedule: 1. A 30 Minute Jog followed by a Steam and a Cold Shower. 2. 15 Minutes of Mild Running followed by 15 minutes of Cycling. Follow this up with a Steam and a Cold Shower. 3 Three Ab Routines: Start with 3 se...

Waking Up!!!

My Dad loved to wake me up at 5:30 each morning. I found that absolutely cruel and wondered if he did it with the sole intention of irritating me. After all the school bus came at 7:30, and I never took more than 10 minutes to Get Ready and Eat my Breakfast. So WHY!!!!... However today, I wish I could wake up at that hour. Everyday I try to get myself out of bed by 6...and if by 7:30 I'm out of it, I consider it an achievement. "Sleeping Early and Waking up Early" is one of the basic techniques to Good Health. I disagreed with that while I was younger, but now I believe it to be absolutely true. Waking up early to a glass of "Lukewarm Water with Lemon", followed by "10 Minutes of Stretching Exercises and Yoga" is the Best Start one can give to one's day. Benefits of Waking Up Early: -- More Time Definitely: Time to plan the day, time to iron clothes, time to have that juice, Time to study -- Rids lethargy somehow... -- Early morning is a great time...