How are you at dealing with your finances? Do you have the ability to manage your finances in a wise way where you do not spend more money than you make?
And if you don't have that ability, those skills, are you developing them.
From time to time, it is good to focus on your relationship with money and how it makes you feel. This helps you become aware of any negative, unconscious habits you have built within you related to how you deal with money. These can be small things, like buying things you no longer need just because you have developed the habit of buying them. Like me for instance, I had developed this habit of ordering a box of pencils and a few erasers every month. Over the past year, my daughter stopped writing on paper as much as she did pre-covid, and we had boxes of pencils and dozens of erasers piling up in the house. But when I would go to the stationer, I would smilingly order another box. 🙀🙀 Exactly! Let us break these habits and reign in our cash. and then we can use it wisely.
Perhaps we should create a list of where we spend our money and how much, keeping track of what we can afford to cut down on things that are not necessary. This will give us a way of being on top of our cash flow. And obviously, this will help us increase our available finances. And I believe almost everyone does this at one level or the other. and those that do this religiously will vouch for the therapeutic benefits this simple bookkeeping activity provides :)
Money can harm you or it can have a positive effect on you. It is up to us to cultivate the right habits and make the impact as positive and powerful as we want.
Dealing with money teaches us a valuable and very direct lesson about life. That life is a process of collecting good habits and eradicating bad habits. Nowhere else can you learn this lesson as directly as to how we learn when dealing with money.
You learn your worth and you demand your worth and you get rich.
You take care of what's yours, and you save well.
You build on what you have, so you invest well and see your saving grow.
You lose your connection with what's yours and you have to depend on luck to not lose it.
You are careless and silly with it and you can lose it.
And if you work hard even when you have nothing, you can earn it back more than you ever had.
Dig deep, and see what money teaches you. Does it teach you about life, love, relationships and form a template for your spiritual growth? Please leave your comments below